What we are About
"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease," Genesis 8:22. Every year we have climate change, increasing heat or decreasing heat, increasing cold of decreasing cold. Right now in January, we would like more heat, but in July, we complain about too much of it!
In the news, Sweden closed down about a half-dozen churches because they were using fossil fuels. The irony is that God made the organic plants and trees from which these fuels were made. Then God judged the world with a global flood for the violence and immoral conduct of all but one family. Then God stored this fuel for us to use one day - even while He is making more fuel to grow. Then we pretend to control the weather and manufacture terribly inefficient forms of energy, while wearing clothes made from these fossil fuels, drive cars with many fossil fuel made parts, package our food and garbage in fossil fuel containers and claim that there is no God nor Creator nor sustainer of all things and beings!
The reason we have such reliability of cycles and seasons is that we have a totally reliable, eternal, consistent God. Is it not time we learned from Him to trust His EVERLASTING LIFE, His reliability, His constancy to give us our sunrises and sunsets, our days, months and years and the life of heaven itself?
Pastor Al Hartwig
Join us!
Sunday mornings @ 10:45am
1130 Castle Creek Road, Castle Creek, NY, 13744
1130 Castle Creek Road, Castle Creek, NY, 13744